Saturday, April 30, 2016

Made From Scratch

Doing the comic strips is a bit of fun for me. I enjoy the process of creating something from scratch. First I start out with a basic idea for a character and I play around until I come up with something I like. Then I try to think up scenarios for them in the strips.

Of course, each of the strips has to have a punch line of sorts and I try to do them all within four frames. So it's usually three frames for the setup and the fourth frame is reserved for the punchline.

Sometimes I will have a continuing story that is going on and I have to try to do something within that framework while trying to deliver a punch line in the fourth frame. So there is a bit of a challenge at times but, like I said, I like doing it. But it all starts with a few ideas and then I make it all from scratch.

Bob Craypoe, also known as R.L. Crepeau